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Executing on MacOS

When trying to run AWB Editor in MacOS you might encounter the following issues:

Unable to load Java Runtime Environment

To solve this issue you will have to install the Java JRE. You can download it from here. In there download the .pkg file, select the aarch64 option in case you are using an Apple processor, or the x64 option in case you are using an Intel processor.

App not opened -- Apple could not verify the app

If you get this error then click on "Done" on that dialog and then follow these instructions

"AWB Editor" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

If you get this error then in macOS go to System Preferences > Security & Privacy, and then set "Allow Applications Downloaded From" to 'Anywhere'.

You have to click the lock on the bottom to make changes. After running "AWB Editor.app" once you can change it back to 'Mac App Store and identified developers'.